El Raval

08001 is the postal code of the Barrio of Raval, in Barcelona, in Catalonia, in Spain. Barcelona is one of the new meccas of european culture; a city with 1,6 million habitants, it has a huge cultural output compared with its physical size. In this vibrating capital a distinct microcosm in its center stands as a unique symbol for its mixture of global flair, and real and virtual migration.
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The Concept

The goal of this documentary is to give a kind of snapshot of people's lives in the neighborhood. The stories of the inhabitants tell a lot about the various aspects of the location from a very personal point of view. The idea is to accompany people with very distinct points of view through their everyday lives and to see how the stories of the businesmen, galery owners, immigrants, street artists, construction workers and tourists overlap and influence each other.
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The way of filming

The cinematic design is to be clearly distinguishable and stand out from a classic reportage or documentary film style. The film does not follow a story in the classical way, it does not use any interviews, a narrative voice or music which is not part of the ambience in the image. Instead the camera is observing simple situations in the daily life in the Raval neighbourhood, following its main protagonists as a silent observer in their ordinary life.
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www.ducken.de ::: Christian Plaehn